Image of Steve with his award basket.
February BEST award winners
BEST award winners
Image of Alumni Spotlight
Image of Dellas Cole
Pictured from left are SDSU School of Design Director Pat Crawford, student Isabelle Plagge, Brookings School District Superintendent Summer Schultz, student Cerington Jones and landscape architecture instructor Jeremiah Bergstrom.
Image of December best award winner and superintendent.
Image of Common Sense Parenting flyer.
photo of november best award winners from the brookings high school.
Image of Breakfast Fundraiser put on by the General Federation of Women's Clubs.
Image of Hello Dolly information for a high school play.
Image of Brookings Municipal Utilities and Missouri River Energy Services presenting a $63,595.26 Energy Efficiency Rebate check for the Medary and Hillcrest Elementary School projects.
Image of Dawn McCarthy and Brandon Sandoval were honored with the B.E.S.T. Award for their outstanding contributions.
Image of the Brookings School Board receives the Associated School Board of South Dakota Gold Level Award for the 2023-2024 School Year.
Bobcat Parade
Musical Instruments
ECE Screening
Common Sense Parenting
Transportation Update