photo of november best award winners from the brookings high school.

Congratulations to our November B.E.S.T. winners: Kelly Erickson, Lisa Nguyen, Emma Keith, Olivia Hove, Cloe Barber, and Dominic VanHofwegen. Nominated by Brookings High School staff and students.

Nomination Submission: Sometimes, it takes a village. Kelly Erickson approached me during the first couple weeks of school. She identified one of her wellness classes that she wanted to modify/adjust to accommodate the unique needs of some students on my caseload. Changes were made to student schedules so they could all take the class the same period. Kelly has been able to adapt activities and make them exciting as well as beneficial to students with unique needs. The best part of all this is that students are able to get into the pool every Thursday.

This has easily become the best day of the week as students look forward to time in the pool. While this was Kelly’s brainchild it could not be done without the help of Lisa, Emma (both staff members), Olivia and Cloe (Peer-to-Peer helpers), and Dominic (a BHS student who’s giving up his free period to help).

I am grateful for the staff and students at BHS who have come together to provide this opportunity.