Due to the forecast for Extreme heat, the 9th grade football game originally scheduled for tomorrow (Thursday), Aug 24 in Yankton has been cancelled. There will be no make-up date.
Today is last ever first day of school at the Current Medary and Hillcrest Elementary Schools! Have a great first day of school Bobcats!!
After further consideration and updated heat forecasts, we have decided to postpone the Brookings vs Mitchell soccer matches for today.
The matches will now be held this Saturday. Here are the details:
Saturday, August 26 / 10 AM / Varsity Boys @ Joe Quintal Field / JV Girls @ Cadwell Park
Saturday, August 26 / Noon / Varsity Girl @ Joe Quintal Field / JV Boys @ Cadwell Park
Great Staff In-Service for Back2School!!! Getting prepped for the 2023-24 School Year.
Good Luck to all Bobcat Fall Activities! This is Bobcat Country! Visit the Activities Calendar for dates and times of all the Bobcat Activities
Welcome Back Staff! We want to welcome all of our staff back to school for in-service days on 8/17 and 8/18. We welcome back all teachers, administrators, and support staff. Looking forward to a great 2023-24 school year. Go Bobcats!