Important Drivers Education 2025 Information for Parents/Guardians


Registration for all three classes opened on March 7th.

  • Classes will be held at the CTE building - located in the south end of the BHS south parking lot.  

  • For the 7:00 a.m. sessions during the school year there will be a bus to take the MMS students to school at 8:00 a.m.

  • Cost for the course and driving is $300.  Checks are payable to Brookings Schools.  Please bring payment to the first day of class.

If more than one session works for your student, you may sign up for any/all that work, however...YOUR STUDENT WILL BE PLACED IN THE FIRST ONE THAT THEY ARE ENROLLED IN IF THEY MAKE THE CUT FOR THAT PARTICULAR CLASS. You MAY NOT ask if your student ‘made’ multiple sessions and then choose the ‘best’ one for you as that is NOT possible.  (Many students may only sign up for the 2nd or the 3rd session, and that could take your child out of those sessions, so DO NOT count on that.) If you pass on your first option, it DOES NOT GUARANTEE YOU ANOTHER PLACEMENT for 2025. 

Example:  “My child is in the first session, but we’d really rather have him in #3. Can you tell me if he is also in session #3 so I can switch?”  I won’t know until each class registration closes who is in that class, and by then they could be bumped off the list. (Priority is given to 9-12th grade students.)

Other Important Information:

  • Only one person should fill out the registration for each student.  If multiple people in a family submit registrations for the same student I will use the first one submitted and delete the rest, so make sure you communicate.

  • 30 face-to-face classroom hours are required by the state in order to pass drivers’ education.  It is set up so there is one day of make-up time available after each session, for that session only.  If a student goes past one day (one hour for the 1st session of one-hour classes and 3 hours for the 2nd and 3rd sessions of three-hour classes) there is no way they can pass the class.  This includes students who are habitually late for class.  If that happens they will have to make up the accumulated time on the make up day.  (There have been students who come in consistently late and that can’t happen.)

  • Games, practices, and other events or activities are NOT excused, even if the coach/director makes them ‘mandatory’.  Please check your schedules carefully before you sign up for a session.

  • Students will not sign up for driving sessions until their classroom session is underway.  

    • 6 hours of driving time and 6 hours riding with a partner driver is required, so typically that equals 6 days of driving.  

There will be three sessions of Drivers Education offered for Brookings School District students in 2025.   See deadlines for each session’s registration below.   

For a printable copy of this information, click here.

Session #1 required classroom dates: Students must be 14 years old by May 23rd

April 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21st (7- 8 p.m.), 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, and May 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. All classes will be from 7 to 8 a.m. EXCEPT Monday, April 21st.  That class will be from 7-8 PM.  The test will be given on Thursday, May 22nd.  Friday, May 23rd, will be the final day of class and students who pass the test will be given their certificates that day.  If the student does not pass the first test they will have an opportunity for a retest.  The second test will be on Saturday, May 24th at 7:00 a.m.  Students who have make-up time will be required to make it up on Saturday, May 24th.  

(Registration is open from March 7th until March 16th.)

Session #2 required classroom dates: Students must be 14 by June 13th

June 2nd-6th and 9th-13th from 7 to 10:00 a.m. (Make up date is Saturday, June 14th only -  7 to 10 a.m. if needed.)  The test will be given on June 13th.  If the student does not pass they will have a second opportunity.  The second test will be on Saturday, June 14th at 7 a.m. only, whether or not they have make-up time to do. 

(Registration is open from March 7th to May 5th)

Session #3 required classroom dates:  Students must be 14 by August 15th

August 4th-8th, 11th-15th. (Make up date is August 16th only -  7 to 10 a.m. if needed.) The test will be given on August 15th.  If the student does not pass they will have a second opportunity.  The second test will be on August 16th at 7 a.m., whether or not they have make-up time to do.  

(Registration is open from March 7th to July 7th.)

The Brookings School District does not manage the Drivers Ed program class set-up, registration process, scheduling or questions about the course. 

Please email Joline Dunbar at if you have any questions about any of this information.