Brookings High School Announcements

Check out the BHS Newsletter:

The Bobcat: February 2025

Congratulations to Jason Sebern, Social Studies Teacher on receiving BHS Teacher of the Year!

Congratulations to Deb Schaefer, Administrative Assistant, on receiving BHS Educational Support Professional of the Year!

When you see these two well-desreving humans, please be sure to congratulate them!

Hope Squad Members, If you are interested in attending the SD Peer Leadership Conference with the group, please let Mrs. Johnson know by the end of today, Thursday, March 6th.

Seniors: Please check your email for a link to the Post-High School Graduation Plans Google Form. The State requires data to be submitted for all graduates regarding your plans for after high school graduation. If you are not sure what your exact plans will be after graduating high school or you are not sure if you will graduate, please still submit the form with your best guess. This form is required for all 12th graders.

Please submit the short questionnaire by Friday, March 7th.

All AP Government, AP Economics, & AP Human Geography students need to stop in the Main Office to sign up and pay for the AP exam.  A $40 deposit (per test) must be submitted to order a test. If you do not want to take the AP exam, you still need to stop by the Main Office and let us know. The AP test sign up and payment deadline is Wednesday, March 12.

There will be a FCCLA Meeting today, Thursday, March 6th after school in Room #407. Check the BAND app for more details.

Information on Drivers Education will be released by March 7th.  Students and parents will receive an email with links to registration next week. Please reach out to Joline Dunbar for more information.

BHS HOSA community awareness is delighted to announce that they will be hosting a food drive from March 4th through the 14th. The drive aims to tackle early childhood food insecurity in the Brookings area. They are collecting food items such as breakfast cereal, quick oats, instant potatoes, saltine crackers, mac n cheese, canned fruit, and canned vegetables. Please bring all donations to your homeroom. Many children in our area face hunger; together, we can make a difference. There will be flyers placed in staff Advisory mailboxes. Please encourage students to donate. We will collect the items during advisory on Friday the 14th. Thank you for your support.

National Speech & Debate Education Day is tomorrow Friday, March 7th, which also happens to be the start of the State Debate tournament hosted right here at BHS. To celebrate this great week for Speech & Debate, the BHS Team is bringing you BHS Speech & Debate trivia. The first to give the right answer to Ms. Jacobs in room 129 BETWEEN CLASSES will win a prize.

THURSDAY - How many minutes are in one round of a Public Forum debate (including speeches, questions, and prep time)?

Disability Awareness Week is March 10th-14th. This is a time to celebrate diversity, promote inclusion, and raise awareness about the experiences of individuals with disabilities. It’s an opportunity to highlight achievements, advocate for accessibility, and foster a more supportive and understanding community for all. To show support and celebrate Disability Awareness Week, join in on the themed dress days shown below!